
What are Kudos and ORCID and how do they work together?

First impressions count, and with over 2 million new publications added to the literature every year, it is important that your work stands out to readers, and can be readily understood.

Kudos provides an award-winning service to over 100,000 researchers worldwide, helping them become ‘discoverable’ by increasing the reach and impact of their publications. It is a platform for explaining your research in plain language, sharing your work and measuring the effect of your communication, including tracking downloads, citations and altmetrics.

Explaining in simple terms what exactly a publication is about and why it is important, from your point of view as the author, helps more people find your work. It helps those in the field to more quickly understand whether your work is likely to be useful to them, and gives those outside the field a better chance of understanding your work and potentially applying it in their own context.

A recent study by the Nanyang Technological University revealed that proactively explaining and sharing work on Kudos correlates to 23% increase in full-text downloads.

ORCID’s vision is a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected with their contributions and affiliations across disciplines, borders, and time. They do this by providing researchers – including authors of research works – with a unique identifier, their ORCID iD, which reliably and uniquely connects them with their outputs and affiliations. ORCID iDs can be used in hundreds of systems – from grant application and manuscript submission, to university research management systems, and beyond, including Kudos.


The partnership between Kudos and ORCID saves you time: you can manage your list of publications in a single place (ORCID), and progress more quickly in Kudos to the tools that help you increase reach and impact.

The easiest way to claim your publications within Kudos is to link your Kudos account to your ORCID account, and give Kudos permission to retrieve the list of publications you have already added to your ORCID record as well as those you add in the future.

You can also connect publications from ORCID with related resources on a number of platforms such as Figshare, Scopus, Web of Science, Publons, and more – and use Kudos to explain and share the overall story.


Kudos provides trackable links that you can use when you share your publications – whether you do that by email, social media, academic networks, blogs, institutional websites – or even in conference presentations, reading lists or handouts.

The range of metrics that Kudos brings together in one place shows you which channels are performing best; you can then make decisions about where is best to share and talk about your work.

Kudos and ORCID together are a great way to maximize discovery, usage, and recognition of your research outputs. ORCID ensures that you are correctly identified as the author of your research outputs and connected with them, enabling greater discoverability; while Kudos increases that discoverability further, helping you spread the word about your work, improve understanding of it, and ultimately increasing usage and impact.


If you want to write about your research in #theBOUblog, then please see here.